Who is behind this hate today?
| Who is satan
Satan is a powerful spirit creature originally created by almighty God as an
angel, a spirit son of God with access to Jehovah's heavenly court (Job 1:6).
He, however exercised his free will in opposition to God. He led Eve and
through her, Adam info disobedience and death. Thus he became Satan
which means "Adversary". A demon, a manslayer and a liar. (John 8:44
And disguising himself as an "as angel of light" when if fact he is the ruler
of the darkness using false religious beliefs to mislead mankind(2 Cor 6:14-15)
You may want to read the bible's description of satan (Ezekiel 28:13-19).
It describes satan as the covering cherub in the garden of Eden.
Cherubs were high ranking angels. "Glorious cherubs" (Hebrews 9:5).
The name of the spirit person we call satan of devil is not known.
Jehovah named all the stars, no doubt named all the spirit persons he created.
He is called by his actions, satan means resister and devil means slanderer.
Just like a person who murders is called a murderer
That is not a name but the results of the actions of the person.
How he earned the name devil was by slandering Jehovah in the garden of Eden.
When Jesus was on earth satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world.
Satan said that all the kingdoms of the earth were handed over to him (Luke 4:6)
Jesus did not deny that satan was given rulership of the earth (2 Corinthians 4:3-4),
but Jesus refused to worship satan, Satan want's to be worshipped and obeyed
This raised a very interesting question for us.
Why do we see so much hate in the world since 1914?
Jesus disciples asked him about the conclusion of this system in (Matt 24:7-14)
Bible chronology tells us about the war that broke out in heaven (Rev 12:7-12)
Satan and his demons were thrown out of heaven down to the earth in 1914.
look at the prophacy pointing to 1914
Beginning with Jerusalem’s desolation in 607 B.C.E. by the Babylonians,
the Gentile Times would end in 1914 C.E. God's kingdom took control in heaven
and threw satan and his demons, one third of angels out of heaven(Rev 12:3,4)
down to the earth and the last days of this system of things began.
Those Gentile Times were to be seven in number, each corresponding
with a prophetic year of 360 days. On the basis of “a day for a year,” all
“seven times” would total 2,520 years. (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6; Daniel,chapter 4)
Beginning with Jerusalem’s desolation in 607 B.C.E., they would end in 1914 C.E.
Satan has great anger and only a short time to mislead as many humans as possible
mislead mankind and to perpetuate this lie that humans have an immortal soul.
How does satan rule over this world today?
The devil is using his world empire of false religions to
mislead mankind and to perpetuate this lie that humans have an immortal soul.
His goal is to turn humans away from worshipping Jehovah the true God. (Job 2:4-5)
He boasted that no human would serve God out of genuine love and
that no human, including you, would remain faithful under severe test.
It is very clear that satan is behind all the hatred today
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With all their diversity of beliefs, the major world's religions are in agreememt in one great teaching:
They all promote the lie that satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden
Satan told Eve "you will not die"
Of all the religious books
The bible is the only source of truth:
1. The only book that gives accurate knowledge of the true god Jehovah.
His purpose for mankind and his beautiful qualities of love and justice.
2. The only book that gives accurate knowledge of satan and his designs.
How he corrupts the minds of people steering them away from the bible truth.
3. The only book that provides the way to eternal life on earth.(John 17:3)
The bible wisdom.
The 12 steps in the creation are in the correct order.(Gen 1:1-31)
Moses had less than one chance in 479 million of just correctly guessing.
So obviously he got the information from Jehovah God the creator
The bible foretells the future.
Foretelling more than 2,000 years in advance the beginning of time of the end 1914.
Fulfillment: 1914: Major war and the changing attitudes of people. (Matt 24:3-14, 2 Tim:1-5)
also foretelling that ones that claim to follow the bible would not keep to the truth.
Fulfillment: Chrisendom began to teach satan's lies, imortal soul, the trinity, the cross, hell.
Do you want to live forever in perfect health on earth?

The choice is yours . . .