The True Religion is Identified by:
By being in the minority. Also the joy they share dispite the fact that
its members are persecuted like the first century Christians
In every country worldwide, the ones practicing True Religion are being persecuted
Who today is practicing the True Religion?
The true religion must direct people to the true god as described in the Bible.
Why only the Bible and not another religious book?
Only the Bible contains fulfilled prophecy and thereby shows its diving origin.
The true religion must be free from any pagan customs and beliefs such
teachings including the cross, the Trinity, the immortal soul, and eternal torment
What do you think?
 What does your Bible teach you?
Jesus told his followers to "make disciples of people of all the nations."
(Matthew 28:19, 20) When he sent out his early disciples,
Jesus directed them to go to the homes of the people.
(Matthew 10:7, 11-13) After Jesus' death, first-century Christians continued
to spread their message both "publicly and from house to house."
(Acts 5:42; 20:20) Do you know of any religion that follows the example
of those early Christians?
Immediately before his ascension to heaven, Jesus gave a command that ensured that after his death
the teaching work he began would continue and even flourish. (John 14:12)
He instructed his disciples to go to people of all nations,
"teaching them to observe all the things" that he had commanded.
The primary purpose of this assignment was made clear when, in the same statement,
Jesus said: "Go therefore and make disciples." Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8.
Each worshipper actively demonstrates love for Jesus by obeying his command to "Go and make disciples"
teaching people to observe all that Jesus commanded including teaching others to be teachers.
Only one religious organization is obeying Jesus and is actively teaching others worldwide to obey Jesus
and to also become teachers.
Your Bible clearly identifies the only way God wants to be worshipped.
"with Spirit and Truth" (JOHN 4:24). Worship must not have pagan customs
teachings and beliefs. The fruitage of true worship must demonstrate Christ like love.
compassion and adhere to the Bible's high morals.
The true religion must teach love for God by demonstrating obedient to the
Bible's clear moral standards. and use God's name in worship. in harmony with what Jesus said
"I Have Made Your Name Known" "I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world
. . . . I have made your name known to them and will make it known."(JOHN 17:6, 26)
“You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah,“Yes, my servant whom I have chosen. (Isaiah 43:10)
Only Jehovah's Witnesses are actively making Jehovah's name known worldwide.
In the past year (2020) there were a total of 8,695,808 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses associated with 120,387 congregations in 240 lands.
Jehovah's Witnesses spent a total of 1,669,901,531 hours in preaching and teaching the Bible.
They find that the door-to-door ministry is a good way to reach people, and
to reach people of all nations, Jehovah's Witness produce literature in over 750 languages.
Jehovah's Witnesses spent an average of 7,705,765 Bible Studies Each Month of 2020.
It is clear, only Jehovah's Witnesses are worshiping God with Spirit and Truth.
You are warmly invited to drop in to their Kingdom Hall to see for yourself.