Nine Features of the True Religion
True religion teaches the truth that is based on the Bible,
not on human philosophies. This includes religious truths about the soul
and the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth.
It also does not hold back from exposing religious falsehood.

Your Bible
John 4:24; John 17:17, Psalms 37:29, Isaiah 35:5, 6; Ezekiel 18:4, Matthew 15:9; Matthew 23:27, 28.
True religion helps people to know God,
including teaching them his name, Jehovah.
It does not teach that he is incomprehensible or aloof; rather,
it teaches that he wants us to have a relationship with him.

Your Bible
Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 42:8; John 17:3, 6 James 4:8
True religion highlights Jesus Christ as the one through whom God grants salvation.
Its followers obey Jesus’ commands and strive to follow his example.

Your Bible
Acts 4:10, 12 John 13:15; John 15:14
True religion focuses on God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope. Those who practice true religion
will be fully engaged in a world wide preaching and teaching work that Jesus began in the first century.
Jesus commanded his true followers to go and teach all that he taught in every country in the world.

Your Bible
Matthew 10:7; Matthew 24:14
2 Timothy 4:2-4 Matthew 28: 18-20 John 14:15
True religion promotes unselfish love.
It teaches respect for all ethnic groups and welcomes people from all races,
cultures, languages, and backgrounds.
Moved by love, its followers do not go to war.

Your Bible
John 13:35 Acts 10:34, 35 Micah 4:3; 1 John 3:11, 12
True religion has no paid clergy dressed in fancy robes and having high-sounding religious titles.
True religion has mature ones teaching from the Bible and by example, just as Jesus directed when he was on earth.

Your Bible
John 10:11-15 Micah 3:11
Matthew 23:8-12; Luke 9:58
1 Peter 5:2, 3
True religion is completely neutral in political affairs.
However, its followers respect and obey the government where they live,
in harmony with the Bible’s command: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar
[representing the civil authority], but God’s things to God.”

Your Bible
James 4:4
John 17:16; John 18:36 Mark 12:17; Romans 13:1, 2
True religion is a way of life, not just a ritual or a formality.
Its followers adhere to the Bible’s high moral standards in all aspects of life.
Rather than being grim, though, they find joy in worshipping “the happy God.”

Your Bible
Ephesians 5:3-5; 1 John 3:18 1 Timothy 1:11
Those who practice true religion will be in the minority.
In every country in the world, those who follow the true religion are often looked down on,
ridiculed, and persecuted for doing God’s will.

Your Bible
Matthew 7:13,14 Matthew 5:10-12 2 Timothy 3:12